I purchased Aquaguard Total Reviva 9 months before. Last Month it stopped working and logged a complaint and next day Technician came .He removed the sensor and gave direct connection and cleaned all inlet pipes. Now after that the pump in the device is working even if input water is not available.
After a month again device stopped working and another technician come and tried to fix and he could not. I was waiting for a senior person .After a week I enquired the complaint status through Call center .They said the issue resolved and complaint closed. I became confused about the support and follow up of Eureka Forbs.
Again they logged another complaint and promised the technician within 24 hours .I was expecting end tried to escalate through call center. But till even after 6 days of last complaint it is not happened.
In Brief last 16-17 days I am buying packaged water from Outside.
Please be aware before buying Aquaguard product and consider other brand too. My warranty period end within 2 months and totally confused to take AMC. In Call center they never allowd me to speak to a senior member to ensure the issue has esclated. Eureka Forbs authorized if anyone want to reach me on 9986070980 (Aquaguard registered number)
Note- I will edit this review appropriately if I get proper service