Last 7 months I have a pain. It is an Aquaguard RO Turbo for High TDS.
To say that I an unhappy would be equivalent to say Sachin Tendulkar is a batsman. This machine malfunctions once every 2 weeks. The local service agency does not take calls. There is no support from the regional office. And absolutely no consumer redressal system in view. Although, Eureka Forbes used to be known for its Customer Centricity, now it has really become a leader in pain. The quality of make is poor and service doesnt exist.
I was going through the zillion complaints here and in other portals and all I see is this company executive planted here to say the most diplomatic things and trying to force sell themselves any which way. I really dont know if they have left me with any option but to knock on the courts door. Consumer Court is only the beginning. I plan to go the whole hog.
Pasting my comment on their blog here. Hope people get warned away from this company for ever. I am already in touch with the press and we are doing a story with my machine. Lets see what happens.(Satyam has taken away all the journalists time anyway:)
1.Ms Rupali has written: Please write to us: where? If your intentionsare right, why are you not giving your email ID/contact number?
2.Why is a Corp Comm person responding to Service issues? These are parallel verticals and Service issues are not a Corp Comm core competency anyway.
- Does Eureka Forbes care for customers likeme with a 7 month old junk call RO Turbo(incidentally not even listedhere) which has had 20 service issues in these 7 months. The fact that in the Delhi winter I have spent the last 30 minutes looking for ahospital to buy some drinking water because my Aquaguard doesn’t work(sprung a leak and gives foul tasting water) make any sense to EurekaForbes?
All I see the Corp Comm plant to the website saying is ’’we have a sound policy’’. I have read the policy very well and it is a carefully drafted legal document that indemnifies Eureka Forbesfrom almost everything. basically the client doesn’t count. Sad how the Eureka Forbes’ of this world take advantage of a completely defunct consumer redressal machinery in the country