Few months back I purchased Aquaguard Protect+(RO). It was launched just then. Recently the water release tap had broken due to faulty/flimsy design and I am unable to get water out of the purifier. Despite so many calls to representative who supplied it, to the local Eureka Forbes office and twice to Euro Helpline, no one has bothered to attend it. When I wanted to purchase, they supplied it taking order even on a Holiday. But when it comes to attending to faults, all sorts of excuses come up and they are completely indifferent. Always customer is taken for a ride. Will this ever change?
Besides water purifier I also bought two room air purifiersEuroair O2 and one Car air purifierEuroair Pure air. All have developed problems within few months. In room air purfiers the fan started making wobbling noise and stopped working. On complaints some crude fixing was done. But again the same fan problem in one room air purifierEuroair O2 has occured. More atrociously, the car air-purifier worked for few minutes only. Upon persistent complaint it was replaced with a new unit. That also worked for few minutes and the fan has stopped working. When switched on it will work for a minute and then will stop. Again, if you try next day the same thing will happen. The motor is supposed to have a life time of 50, 000 hours. Despite so many calls to representative who supplied it, to the local Eureka Forbes office and twice to Euro Helpline, no one has bothered to attend it. It is highly shameful for company like Eureka Forbes to dump such failure products on customers and exhibit indifference to their grievances. Very sad state of affairs