You call a sales person to buy a product of Eureka Forbes, multiple sales persons will be there at your door step. However, after buying the product, even for installing it they would take ages.
I have an issue with my water filter, which is leaking and placed a compliant. I was assured that the complaint will be addressed within 48 hours. No call for 48 hours. After 48 hours, I kept calling the service center each day. I get an assurance that the compliant will be attended to within 8 hours. But no one turns up.
I try to talk to supervisors, the call center guys say s/he will call you within 15 mins, but no body calls, no body attends to your compliant. If the compliant cant be attended to for 7 days in Bangalore, then I believe that the complaints are huge and staff of Eureka Forbes is unable to attend so many complaints.
The service related issues are perpetual, coz, I call service personnel every 4-5 months(coz my water filter needs repair so many times).
Even after 7 days of follow up, the representatives of the company tell the compliant will be attended to and hang up the phone. They give no reasons why complaints have not been attended to.