I bought one Aqua total RO system in DEC 07 It is very frustrating to get the technician for service, This is how it goes:
Telephone 39883333. You will get service request no and assurance technician will come immediately For one week there will be no technician. You ring up again and remind them, they will answer the technician will come in a day
Another 3 weeks past no technician
You call, the call centre guy gives the service section tele phone and name of the coordinator and advice you to make a call
The coordinator will assure you that he will pass on the message to her Boss
Call her again after 2 days she will advice you to talk to her boss and give his mobile no
You call him, Mobile switched off
You talk to the sales person who sold the system and he tells this service guy, Nothing happens for 2 days
You loose patience and call the service manager, fortunately you get him
He promise to send technician immmly
*Next day you get a call from the technician saying he is stuck up else were and coming next day
To my area as There are 11 calls are pending, promises my call will be first*
You wait at home for the technician
Keep waiting-----------------------------------------------
I am still waiting from 12th may 08
Should I wait more time?
Should I go thru the process once again?
Will appriciate suggestions