I bought Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Senza water purifier 8 months back and its never worked for even a week properly.The product runs into lot of problems. It is very sensitive to pressure and the valves get damaged very frequently. The RO unit doesnt work at all.
The water taste is bad in compared to other RO from Kent in neighborhood. The unit makes 3 times more noise compared to the Kent.The RO and UV doesnt work together. Only one of them is active at a time. Even if you want there is no way to have both enabled.
Lot of issues, the product is not build right. And after that service and support is worse. Its absolutely unprofessional and non-friendly service department. There is no response to complaints for 3-4 months. If you want someone from customer service visit your place, you have to make fake sales call and have them come and see the unit for you.
Or you have to call them at least 10-12 times in a week to have them attend you. And even if someone comes that would not solve any of your problem. The technicians are not skilled and they would open unit play with it and tell Sir I would come tomorrow to fix the problem. After that guess what, they disappear and you are back to same follow-ups. I have been doing this for months now and become my habit and part of my routine now. I dream some day I would get my problems rectified in next 12-24 months. I wish you good luck and best wished to achieve this in year if not two.Happy Water Purifying.