I purchased my Aquaguard sensa(cost around 15, 000Rs) model few years back and my experience with product is in contrast to the service provided by same company. Product in general met my expectation with easy to use, no troubles in general.
Problem started when I have to call aquaguard for service, they always would delay the service by a week or so after 3-4 calls service person would come. The I tried different technique and took the contact for the service man who was regularly coming. This also didnt help as person use to change. After 1 year I had a choice to discontinue the product and buy other product with better service. Since I had spend 15k in product I felt it would be better to try them for some more time. I was told that the cost of AMC for 2 years is 7500/-! Now this was outrageous. Its huge cost, its like paying nearly 10 Rs per day+ electricity+ lots of water which is wasted in RO purifier. Somehow I convinced myself and took the AMC. That was beginning of miseries to follow. Beside delayed response to my service calls, I got cockroaches in water. On asking for the reason, I was only blamed by serviceman that I am not maintaining it clean. How can I ensure no cockroach enter the tank(which by design should not allow any other impurity to enter)?
Eventually this delay service caused me loosing one service as now AMC is expired.
Though the worst case occurred 6 weeks before AMC expiring. Suddenly the tap supplying water was broken and I could not get any water. I as usual complained to call center which promised service in 24 hrs. Since I did not get any response I contacted again, same response of 24hr service was given to me. No response in next week also . I started calling every possible number from call center to all service technician who would have done service at my home. Nobody was coming . Call center person was also annoyed and she gave a number of service center Manager. Who point blank refused to entertain me as he has stopped servicing. After so many call I was able to get one service man who charged me money(280Rs) for coming and replacing the tap. he never gave me receipt for the same. The newly fitted tap is still leaking. During all this time I was purchasing water from outside. I even wrote mail to mail id give at auqu guard site. But there was no response.
On top of that now they started harassing me with calls to renew the AMC. Few of them even came to my home.
While they make big claims in their advertisement, they are not able to provide basic service to customer and then they keep on calling me for AMC renewal.
Only thing I regret is not collecting those service request numbers(which is given to you only when you request), as it would have helped me in going to consumer court. But if harassed any further Ill take this step also.
My experience is even bad with their vacuum cleaner.