I had purchased the Aqua Sena in towards the middle of this year. The only reason I bought it was the faith I had on brand Eureka Forbes. I had used another water filter from Eureka frobes before this and it worked perfectly for 4 years. Also Total Sensa seemed to be a technologically advanced filter.
My perception about this machine as well as Euerka Forbes changed just a month after I began using it. Water is something which you will need everytime and every day, but the day this machine started malfunctioning, it was like a nightmare.
The machine has three modes of operation, Intelli mode, RO mode and UV mode. As per the literature, if you leave the machine under intelli mode, the machine is supposed to understand which mode suits bests for operation and will automatically clean the water in that mode.
But to my surprise, just after one month of operation, whenever I kept the machine under intelli mode, it automatically switched to UV mode. Now UV mode is not something which is desirable as RO mode is required for filtering water that is supplied to us.
If you leave the machine under intelli mode and go somewhere, you will come back and see that it is working in UV mode. So you have to again drain the water and start frm beginning.
I have been following up with Eureka fORBES for last few months to rectifiy this problem. First time the engineer came and without much daignosis told me that PCB needs to be replaced. The PCB was replaced, but the problem is persisting. 80% of the time, they dont pick up calls, or their engineers dont turn up. Whenever they pick up the line, the only thing they tell is that it is a PCB issue and the PCB has to be replaced. Im quite fed up with to their service and still waiting for some one from eureka forbes to come and resolve the issue once and for all.
If some one has telephone numbers of senior people at Euerka forbes in Karnatake circle, do let me know.
Now please read for the latest news. Im editing my review today as Eureka Forbes people contacted me after reading this review.
Today(6th Dec2008) your engineers came and replaced the unit.(this was done after twice replacing the PCB earlier) The the damn unit still doesnt work. In the very first run itself, I could noticed a problem. The rate at which water filled inside the tank was so slow that it would take at least 3 hrs to fill up the tank. On the other hand, there was a heavy rate of water outflow. Which means water wastage was immense. I tried to call the engineer who came, but he didnt pick up my call. Then I tried to call Hemant kumar who is supposed to be the service engineer for Koramangala area in Bangalore, but as usual, he never picks up any call.
Im now forced to buy water from outside for consumption.
The note - THE ISSUE OS STILL NOT RESOLVED. Now it is becoming a night mare for me to use Total sensa