I paid for the Aquaguard Sensa on 6th May 2012 ( cash receipt no 753452 for Rs 20450/-) with clear instruction on the receipt itself for delivery on 8th May12. Repeated followup with the sales person Mr Girish for delivery yielded no results ! I was told the product is not available in Bangalore and has to come from Dehradun ! I ended up buying water ....I escalated the matter to his manager Mr Prawjal Gowd and he was as vague as his sub. On 10th May I escalated to the Head of Karnataka state Mr Raghav and asked him to return the money. Neither did he agree nor would he commit a date when the device will be delivered. On 11th I again requested for refund. He somehow located an old model product and got it delivered ...the product cost Rs 17990/- and I was refunded Rs 3000/-.
I was promised that it will be installed on 11th itself. at 6.35pm of 11th, after repeated follow ups with the Head of sales I received a sms " Sir, kindly excuse me. I will get it installedby tomm - sorry for the inconvenience". Again I followed up on 12th, and Mr Ravi came to install at 1pm. He left at 3pm ...two hours to install !! And he didnt show how to use it ....water was filling up the tank . When the water did fill in, water started dripping from the bottom and from the filter outside the device. I just tasted the water and I swear I have never tasted water so bad, greasy and smelly !! My phonecalls and sms to Mr Raghav yielded no further results !!
I do not know what to do now ! How to take it up with the Product Head of Eureka Forbes. I wish to make public aware of the service and product quality ....can some one throw some light how to ?
Thanks !
Sandip Ghosh