Dear Readers and those who are planning to buy Aqua Guard.
Product may be good/ excellent but companies like Eureka who charge more than their competitors and we as consumers prefer to go by brand mainly for 2 reasons
quality of product
quality of service
I am no where a product expert to comment on its quality but definitely can comment on the QoS
Pathetic. If I have use all the foul languages for this company. I can use it. however we need to be society conscious.
I paid a 3 year AMC for this company after the first year. They came and collected the cheque and have disappeared.
I raised a call, have send chasers via phone . most of the time the phone is not picked up.
If luckily it passes thorough the IVR, they will promise to send a technician in next 24 hours
You receive a call from their technician and planned time of visit and thats all.
Technician never visits, no calls from the customer support if the call is still opened.
No escalations being forwarded to managers
No abandoned calls are being called later.
Never go for their AMC.
Say no to such companies and make them realize that if you need to be number one, you need to maintain your service quality.
For Eureka Forbes
My Name - Irfan Shaikh
My Contact Number: 9821747577(Mumbai)
ticket number - 84252345
if you need to improve services - deduct the salary of call center manager, technicians who are responsible for this call. Please do it or else it will not take long for you to be out of business for such service catastrophe