When I first decided to change my existing water purifier(Acquaguard Royale), we spoke to the AMC guy(Mr. Kishor) from Eureka Forbes to suggest a new model. They sent one Mr. Sunil to my premises to explain me the product features etc. However, he was READING from the product catalogue and explaining to me which I found totally unacceptable as I could have done this myself.
So I called up the Eureka Forbes helpline and asked them to send across a senior sales representative who could suggest a purifier based on the water type available at my house. After 3 DAYS and 4 CALLS, someone finally called up by the name of Mr. Khimji Solanki. He promptly landed at my house the next day, inspected my water supply and came down to my office to explain which purifier I should buy and also why its most suitable to my conditions. He seemed to know his facts so I immediately gave him the cheque(biggest mistake). He PROMISED to get my existing purifier removed and installed at my office premises as a part of the service offered.
The next day after the machine was dropped off to my place, I called him to confirm what time the installation would take place as my mother being old couldnt be available at all times to get the installation done. He gave us the number of the plumber who would come for installation and cut the line. I spoke to the plumber who said that he WOULD NOT install the existing purifier at my office premises as he was not given any such instructions.
This is when I realised how unscrupulous the company is and how after receiving payment, they stop caring for the customer totally. I must have called him at least 30 times from different numbers but he cut my call after hearing my voice and would not answer known numbers at all. The plumber in question landed up after 9:00pm knowing fully well that drilling work is not allowed in respectable societies that late. I somehow managed to get it installed despite complaints from neighbors about the drilling.
The next day I called up the Customer Helpine to complain about this PATHETIC service. However to my utter disbelief, on understanding my situation the executive CUT my call as I requested to speak to a higher authority. I called again and reiterated the situation and asked to speak to a higher up. They promised to call back but NEVER did.
To sum it all, I had heard about their customer apathy on mouthshut. But this is firsthand experience. I request all of you who read my review to please THINK TWICE before giving any more business to EUREKA FORBES as they have a strong brand but NO VALUES!