I went into the eureka forbes website and requested a demo on wednesday - 18th May. In 30 minutes!! I got a call from the representative asking for an appointment.
I asked him to come at 7:00 PM the same day, or later, as I would be back from office then. Sharp at 7:00 PM the rep was outside my door, explained the product and helped me with the selection of Infiniti water purifier. I placed the order.
The rep said in the next 24 hours - 7:00 PM on thursday the purifier will be installed. But to our pleasant surpirse the product was installed at 1:00 PM on thursday - 6 hours before time!!.
Very efficient and prompt service. Since I am using the product for just 2 days, I am unable to comment on the product per se, but can vouch for the prompt service. Good Job Eureka Forbes.