The product lives upto its claims, and is useful in a hard-water environment. Our water supply is from the public utility so the load on the filters is quite limited; the filters have served well for long duration.
My grouse is with Eureka Forbes service management. Their outsourcing idea is careless. It seems to help them serve the growing market alright but it looks like they care two hoots about the quality of the service -it seems to be that they are more focused on accommodating the servicing without bothering to realize that it is a Water unit and not some TV or car.
1) Their authorized service outsource offers a Rs.3500 NF filter which has no packaging nor a date of manufacture on it. Of course Eurekas call centre will inform you helpfully that filters have both a flow life and time life.
2) The authorized service outsource personnel puts all manner of cleaning cloth and greasy tools _inside_ the externalized isolated water storage tank while replacing the filters and while inspecting the tank (why a bare tank needs to be inspected is not clear, perhaps to generate more revenue?), and doesnt seem to realize that the tanks design only allows for chemical cleaning and not physical cleaning. The grease and dirt introduced into the tank during the filter fitting does not depart easily with the cleaner chemical. Essentially you buy the new filter set to get dirtier water to drink.
3) The outsourcee offers an AMC of two years for the same city price, without counting that the locality receives soft water supply -what are they thinking?! It borders on being trained to prey on ignorance of consumers. This is certainly not the Eureka brand of yester years. Their direct selling approach seemed to have other noble objectives, or perhaps those were lies too. (but then the Tatas held stock in Eureka...)
I asked the outsourcee service vendor to sell me a packaged and de-stamped NF filter, and its 6 months since I have heard from them. I guess Eureka Forbes is too focused on scaling up to notice the loss of one customer.