Even if you have negative rating option, I would rather choose that option.
Please I would suggest you dont go with Eureka forbes, I would like to share my personal experience.
We bought total sensa 2 days before, one filter was defective(leakage). Salesman comes and told that we will replace that filter. Same day in evening they came and replace filter. Same day at night water overflows from sensa and stops working. We called at morning they told we will send our technician.
Technician came, he was not aware about how to resolve problem. He just opened and closed which can be done by 10 years old child. Now evening again one technician came, He again repair product and was about to leave and again stops working. Finally he said we will replace this product.
Now third day we are without water at home, they have replaced our old RO so what we can do. We just called them, they are not receiving our call.
One important thing: We bought RO as out previous RO TDS was 175 and we want proper RO. When salesman cam he was sure that water will give tds 100-110, so we trust him. And when we measure tds of sensa, it was 275. :)
There are lots of things to tell but I think enough for customer.
Surbhi Shah