I had purchased an Eureka Forbes Aquaguard water purefier - "Aquasure Ivory Gold" from Kohinoor, Thane, Naupada area on May 2008
I had an option to buy either from Philips and Aquaguard. I eventually end up in buying Eureka Forbes Aquaguard water purifier, considering its Brand name Eureka Forbes and also they are in this business for long time. I was rest assure that I had made a correct decision.
The Water Purifier looks good with sleek and sober Ivory color. Also I had no issue is installing and using this water purifier.My only concern is the service and maintenance of this product. At the time of installation, the representative told me to check the filter and get the filter replaced or cleaned based on condition of the filter.
Since then (Dec 2008), I have repeatedly calling at aquaguard customer care number 39883333 to send a representative at my place to check the filter. Every time they assured me that the person will be in touch with me in next 48-72 hours. They also provide me number 3988 3434 to verify once the aquaguard representative lands at our place for customer confidence.
I don’t remember the how much time I had called, but lately Im keeping a record of my call and request number. 6th June 2009 Request number - 81358539. 3rd July 2009 Request number - same and the details updated. When I call again I was again made assured that the person will be calling you in next 24 hours. The customer care representative also gave me the Senior Service Manager Name and number. 2687 0215 / 67600128 Ms yogita & Mrs rakhi.
I tried to reach this number, but 2687 0215 is always busy & 67600128 is no one attending the call. The summary is: Product is good but the after sales service is horrible. It is not in line with the product.