I purchased an Eureka Forbes Aquasure Xpert back in May 2015. The product came with a 1 year warranty and everything was smooth till the product was under warranty.
At the end of 12 months, the local service center calls me and offers an extension of warranty(AMC) for a cost of~6000. I politely declined stating that am happy with just the filter replacement and do not want to sign up for AMC. The service center folks followed up with me for a few days before agreeing to replace only the filters.
The service person comes and replaces the AC and Sediment filter and charges me for the same. Issues start exact after 5 uses of the product post the warrenty period.
The product has not been working for a week now. I had raised a complaint(87270532) on Tuesday. Service person visits on Wednesday, takes the product apart and tells me it cannot be fixed unless and until I purchase the AMC! On Thursday, the request is closed without even informing me.
When I try to escalate in Eureka Forbes website, it doesnt recognize the ticket as a valid one. I am attaching snapshot of the same.
The local service manager is pushing for me to take AMC(extended warranty) so that he can get the service done. When I declined, the machine has been left open(in unusable condition) and the request gets closed. The service folks dont even have the basic courtesy to inform me before closure!
Its a Rs. 20, 000 machine and the AMC costs about 6000 every year! This wasnt told to me when I bought the item. Had I known the AMC costs, I wouldnt have purchased the product in first place!
Hope someone who bothers about Eureka Forbes takes this up on priority and responds!