I owns a aquasure. it works as a good filter but the water quality is not as good as RO treated one. Ones in every year we need to change the filter cartridges. but the problem is the availability of the cartridges. at the time of the delivery, the agent promised that he will deliver the cartridges at door step.
Now I see that the personal numbers of the agent is not working. (there is no other way to contact him). Even the numbers printed on the receipt of Eureka Forbs is not valid. I called up in this number and and got a reply "wrong number". Then I checked in Website of Eureka Forbes. in the list available, Aquasure is not listed. I called up customer care of Euraca Forbs. They gave another number of Aquasure. but very bad response. they hanged the phone just like that. so now I have to dispose the equipment or go for filing a complaint against the company.