I wanted to service and renew my AMC for my water purifier. First after calling eureka forbes for 3 months, a person from MK Services (Goregaon East) comes to renew the AMC. Then he checks everything, and asks for the cheque for AMC. This was in Jan 2009.
It is 30 Mar 2009, but I still havent received the receipt. They just simply make some or the other excuse for not giving the reciept. It is more then two months that I have given the cheque and Eureka Forbes is simply refusing to give me the receipt by making some or the other excuse.
They are making ridiculous excuses that there receipt book is over or there PC is not working. The most ridiculous experience I have ever had with a company. We are tired of calling MK Service and listening to there ridiculous excuses for not giving a receipt. I guess it is my right to get it and somebody who is doing such a huge business is refusing it, is pathetic