First of all, I would like to thank you for taking a bit of your time for reading this review. The product "Euroclean Wet and Dry" is a good one. Good in terms of Accessories, Multi-functionality, Ease of Understanding.
Buyers dont ever rely on the service for your Euroclean..! Its the biggest hassle that you have to walk through.. Both the Sales Executives, Service Desk, and also the CSD will not stand your side and respond once they have their bit inside their pockets.! In a line "Your machine will be an Orphan":Rather a tough, sturdy and maintainable orphan!!
The Product as a Product is very good but a little pricey for the build quality and design.
In a line for the decision about buying the product I would say : Go for it if you are looking for a good vacuum cleaner:Multi-Functional and if Euroclean WD fits your pocket. Be skeptical about the service part(U would not need one in most cases! ).