I purchased Euroclean wet and dry Vacuum cleaner on Oct 13 2013 from sales executive Ravi Kumar D who is not reachable on his mobile 8867447177 from last 4 weeks. So far the demo is still pending and and I havent opened the box from last 45 days. Also I was supposed to get the Scratch card Diwali offer and Euroclean bag along with package which is still pending.
Please find the below complain request no:
89029328 - Vacuum cleaner. - 21 Nov - Invoice+ Scratch+ Euroclean bag.
73879032 - Invoice+ Scratch+ Euroclean bag Damodar.
73884205 - Vacuum. - - Service Request .
11248 - Demo request - Vacuum cleaner.
So far none of the requests are resolved. .
Request you please resolve and help me out on this as this is really getting me frustrated with the after sales experience.
I had visited Kanakpura branch and spoke to Harput Raaj 8880681818 over phone, but I dint get a good response and also felt bad with the way he spoke.
R S Satish.