Never call or accept for a demo with Eureka Forbes people or atelast dont accept to retain the demo product in your house for any reason from this so called no.1 direct marketing people.*
We live in chennai and we wanted to buy a vacuum cleaner and when we were offered for a demo by EUREKA FORBES sales people we accepted the demo.
They came for showing a demo of their latest Vacuum cleaner. After the demo is over the sales person started writing a delivery memo for us and they are forcing almost that we should buy as the pack has been opened, bla bla, and left the machine at our house, even after my wifes strong refusal. He finally said that let the machine stay there and he will pick up next day. But he never turned next day. when we contactated him next day, he was reiterating that we should pay for the same.
When we contacted the representatives manager, he also insisted that they showed the demo with new machine and cannot be packed again and this should be taken by us.
For all, we never signed a single paper with them. This atrocious way of trying to sell a product.
Rather this is a very wrong way of misusing the demo chance and they are almost blackmailing the housewives for selling the machines. My wife felt so guilty for asking for a demo with them and spent a sleepless night.
This has to be taken seriously by their management and these kinds of attitudes by their sales people should be stopped immediately as this is not a healthy trend.