The sales guy talks about the amazing quality and great customer service from eureka forbes - he almost forced us into buying this vaccum for 7000. in less than 3 months, the motor is becoming hot, the speed is less, the vaccum is not performing.
When customer service is contacted, they take sooo long to answer the phone, I am listening to music and everytime register a new complaint. The "engineer" comes over after many tries - does not even know about this model(maybe he was a plumber and not the engineer) and says we will call you back tomorrow with the update.
Its more than 10 days - no one called back - I make two more calls - the engineer will be with you tomorrow - the engineer will be at your house in two hours . no one has showed up.
I dont know if consumer court guys read these reviews or not - but I think its very important that these greedy corporates are slapped huge fines for trouble they are causing to unsuspecting customers like us.