This review Im writing to let you know how Eureka Forbes, a company which has been in India for around 40 years or more and have been cheating their customers. The company that was once valued for its products, sales and after-sales services have know started getting a feeling that they have the sole monopoly in the market and can do anything that they want.
During November-2009, I purchased an Aquaguard Reviva RO System for my family. The Sales Person - Mr. Arvind Kumar, having Agent Code- 9022397 , sold the said product to us at Rs.11, 900/- (gave us Rs.100/- as discount out of total value of Rs.12, 000). We paid Rs. 1000/- in cash as advance booking amount and the balance amount was paid in cheque (amount of Rs.9990/- only) and an amount of Rs.910/- which we paid in cash when the RO system was installed. This Rs.910/- comprised of amount of Rs.500/- for the RO stand (a metal stand that is required to mount the RO to a wall) and Rs.410/- as miscellaneous charges. The sales guy also delivered a pre-filter candle (a sediment filter that is present outside the RO system which is a local brand and not from Eureka Forbes but had charged us for the original one).The original pre-filter should have Aquaguard embossed on it.
After the RO was installed, Mr. Arvind Kumar changed his mobile number was hard to trace. We had not received any bill for the payments that we had made other than just small receipts of Rs.1000 and Rs.10, 500/- only. After 3 months time, on Jan 28th, 2010 I received a bill from Eureka Forbes stating that the RO was sold to me at Rs.9990/- only. This gave me shock as the amount that I had paid to the sales man was much higher that what was reflecting in the invoice that I had received. The next day I searched for their office and went to the East of Kailash Branch Office in New Delhi. There I met their Branch Manager and discussed on this issue and also gave a written complaint that I had been cheated by the sales guy. The Branch Manager who appeared to be a nice and helpful person assured me that he will definitely take disciplinary actions against Arvind Kumar.
However, till date nothing has happened in this context. Following my written complaint, the Branch Manager has also assured that he would arrange to replace the pre-filter as the duplicate one can cause damages to the original ones that are present inside the RO system. It’s been more than 4 weeks (1 month) as of now and no actions have been taken as yet. Just that when I call them up they apologize over the phone and tell me that they would change the pre-filter and take actions and they forget what they had committed.
So, beware and don’t go by the brand name Eureka Forbes. They really suck and have pathetic after sales service. Please see the attached video that I had shoot as a proof for the product that has been installed at my home.