Dnt buy any product from Eureka, because their sales people dnt know the technical details, product selection etc..Horrifying..read below...
It is surprising that eureka forbes website, call centre people say some facts, where as the sales person says something else...Hopeless...
Eureka sales person visisted our parents home Thuraiyur-Trichy dsitrict , and checked water TDS, which is around 300ppm, and he suggested reviva RO and fitted the same.
When I checked eureka forbes website, it clearly says RO system should not be given below 500 PPM, as our boday needs minimum minerals and salts..So RO system below 500PPM is dangerous to health....
when I contacted the sales person Afrose-Trichy office at 0431-2414967 not able to reach him, after repeated attempts reached him at his mobile, he still says it is ok to proceed with Reviva RO if ppm is around 300, , becuase hardness factor is there..
Getting confused, when I called the helpline, they have no clue about the technical fact, and say there is something known as low TDS membrane, they might of fitted the same.
I am surprised, frustrated to know that, such a big company like Eureka cant clear the technical doubt.
We buy water purifier to drink tasty healthy water, where as when the water purifier itself going to do the harm, then what faith we shalll have..I have posted the query to their website, no response...
Pathetic service, not at all caring about health of people...