To all the readers,
Buying an aquaguard from Eureka is nothing but an invitation to worry. Ever since I have bought the aquaguard reviva, not a single service has been provided by the company as promised they should provide 4 free service within the first year. When it works the filteration quality is also very poor. After reverse osmosis filteration Im getting 200+ TDS level. However they claim it to be around 50 TDS after filteration. At times when it doesnt work I have spent enough time calling up their service numbers but in vain. Now it has completely stopped working and I have given up hope. Only GOD knows if it will be ever attended by them and rectified. So simple suggestion is keep yourself away from any product of Eureka Forbes and you will have a peace of mind. Im looking for some contacts of higher authorities of the compny so that I can bring these issues to their notice.