While hard-selling has always been the norm by all Eureka Forbes guys, it seems to have hit a new low with wrong / dangerous information being given to consumers, ONLY to sell new units.
I had complained about some white powder in the water, coming after the unit was serviced on 6/3. I had the contact number of one ‘Vijay Singh # 9702560154’ on a sticker which was affixed on the purifier body by one of the service guys earlier on 8/3 morning.
A so called ‘service engineer’ came over to my place that evening and told me that the purifier’s body has corroded and the powder seen is “Dangerous contamination with lead etc.” and that the same “should not be drunk at all – better to boil the water and drink it”. This scared the hell out of us as my 1 year old daughter was drinking the same water for months now. I was told to either buy a new machine, or change the body – which would cost me about Rs. 3200/- . Also that this was NOT covered under the AMC that I was paying for.
I immediately got bottled water and enquired for a new machine and almost ordered one on 9th morning when I happen to call their corporate office. A new ‘senior service engineer’ came over on 9th evening and just cleaned the machine and admitted that there was nothing wrong and that the person earlier was a sales guy trying to sell a new machine.
I AM SIMPLY DISGUSTED AS TO HOW LOW EUREKA FORBES SALES TEAM HAS FALLEN THAT CONSUMERS ARE NOW BEING LIED TO AND BEING TOLD POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS INFORMATION – ONLY TO SELL MORE MACHINES. Such unethical behavior is just not acceptable and the mental agony I had to go through b’cos my daughter was drinking potentially poisonous water cannot be explained.