I had been using it since june, 2004. Got it for Rs 12500 from Ludhiana. The water tasted a bit bitter in begining but later we got used to it.It has been a quite easy and convenient way to have safe drinking water at home. The only problem I am having with it is of changing the membranes annually for an extra cost of Rs 3600.The sales executives did not inform me about these mandatory annual expenses at the time of selling.So it is costly in the sense that I will have to shell out Rs 3600 every year to replace membranes though for the first two years no body asked me for this replacement from the date of purchasing. Now they are stressing on immediate replacement as according to them membrane wears out with time.Otherwise the product is good and gave no problems till now. I have now decided to go along with same membrane for one more year and water quality can be kept on check.
It is october 07 going on now and I have still not replaced the memberanes and water quality is good as it was before. So I will advise you to go along with same membranes for three years at least. But keep checking the quality of water. Do not get influenced by the RO executives.
It is 2008 now and in december2007 I had a problem when adapter stopped working and consequently reviva also stopped working due to power supply fault.. The person from company was demanding Rs 1250 as replacement and 250 installation charges. I took adapter to a electrician in open market and he fixed it for Rs 600 and I installed it back my self. Since then it is working satisfactorily and I have still not changed the membranes as water quality is good .
It is june, 2009 now. RO is doing well with same membranes. No problem at all. I think there is no need for changing membranes if consumption of water is low at your home ......I mean very few family members. We are four here.
It is last of june, 2009 going on. One of our guest told us that this time your ro water is not bitter(he do not have ro system installed at his home and naturally his tongue acted as a taster) It alerted me and I called eureka men to check its tds. it was 311 (it means tds has started rising and membranes are ineffective). I immediately got all the membranes changed (for rs 2800)and water has once again got bitter in same way when we bought it in 2004. One more thing I forgot to write earlier is that every 2 years I got the candle out side the system changed and got it washed every year. that is very important.
This is sept 2012 now.Year back motor stopped working. bought and installed a local made motor(there are many such motors available now) and its working fine. checked the TDS it was 36 so no need to change membranes. Its working fine. there was a bit of problem with pipe connectors when started leaking I got them changed and its working well