This vacuum is affordable and a definite plus for pet owners - it actually picks up the hair! The simplicity of repairs makes it my number one choice! I do not know what others look for when shopping for a vacuum. For me, I wanted to know if it was it a price I could afford on my limited budget. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the best way to look at vacuums, as I have learned over the last few years.
About two years ago, I had to replace my vacuum. I have finally came to the conclusion that I needed to look at vacuums as a disposable item. Spend $100 keep it for 4 years and then buy a new one, making the cost of the vacuum about $25 per year. This of course does not include the cost of bags, belts, repairs or the time exerted actually doing the dreaded work. So with this in mind, I began to think about the other things that the vacuum companies were touting as important in a vacuum. The Victory MegaBoss has several nice features that I find are important in a vacuum. Its handle is shaped to help with that back strain that seems to be inevitable when vacuuming and the large ball wheels in the back make it glide with ease. With 12 amps, it has enough power to clean up the pet hair that is the bane of pet owners, like me. If you are like me and also have stairs that need to be vacuumed then the hand hold space in the back of the vacuum makes lifting it up stairs much easier. Based on my, not so accurate, bathroom scale the MegaBoss is a reasonable (not featherweight) 10-11 pounds. It has the hard plastic shell that holds the AA style bag and the usual on board attachments. On the handle is a nice little sticker that tells you the style of the belts and the type of bags needed. I hate having to guess if a belt or bag will fit and I never can find my owner’s manual when I finally need to replace something. One more thing about the nice little sticker is that it has an 800 number you can call if you have a question. The number is 1(800) 282-2886. As I said before, I have come to believe that 4 years is about the maximum life of a vacuum. I did get the MegaBoss on sale for about $100. Since I have not yet had it for 4 years, I cannot say if its staying power is any better than any of the other vacuums I have owned in the past. I’ll have to let you know. However, let me tell you what is the very best feature in this vacuum. It is not a feature that I have ever heard a vacuum manufacturer use as a selling point and one I will no longer over look in the future. It is extremely easy to take apart and put back together. Like I said before, I am a pet owner, with one dog and three cats and I prefer live Christmas trees to artificial. As most of you who have pets or prefer live trees know- it is extremely easy to plug up your vacuum. One tiny piece of paper turned sideways will cause pet hair and pine needles to plug a vacuum up tight. Then comes the decision of whether or not to take the stupid thing apart or take it to your local vacuum place and let them do it. The last time I got a vacuum so plugged that I had to take it in to someone else, it cost me $38. With $40 more, I could have bought a new one on sale and the vacuum was already 3 years old. Needless to say a year and a half later it had a problem I could not figure out and my mother was coming for a visit. I went out and bought the MegaBoss.
The first time I got the MegaBoss vacuum clogged(after Christmas with my mother), I took it apart to see if I could unplug it myself. Much to my surprise and true delight, this vacuum not only come apart easily but goes back together just as easily. On top of that, it is extremely simple to unclog because of the straight through construction of this vacuum. With gentle pressure of a screwdriver and my fingers, I could reach almost all the way from one side of the vacuum to the other, making unclogging the vacuum a cinch. Two screws and the cover comes off and you have access to everything you are likely to need. Style U Belts are simple to install. The cover slips right back on and in go the screws, and EUREKA, it is back together.