Few Months ago I received a call from some person and started explaining about their
company & about their services at very nominal fees.
Let me explain about their services; EVALIFE Health Card helps us in saving by providing
discounts on hospitalization charges, medical and pharmacy bills, diagnostic costs and
other healthcare costs.
Not only that; Eva Life people will help us to find a doctor and hospital if we do not know
about any specialized doctor for any specific decease and to which hospital do we need to go
for any health related issues.
All these things will be done at very nominal fees for a year.
I thought they may help us lot in health related issues and I have taken membership for a
year(Feb - 2015 on-wards).
Then, the real issue started after becoming as a membership holder. I made an inquiry to
consult a specialist doctor and hospital for a specific health decease.
They have tied up with very specific hospitals and doctors and they started referring those
hospitals and doctors only and that doctors services are not impressed at all.
Also, Eva life confirmed saying that their card will help us to get a discount on OP
consultations at Fortis Malar Hopital. But, Hospital people are not at all aware about this
card/company. However I have asked them to check about this offer details with their
supervisor. They have verified and confirmed discount is not applicable.
Then I called and checked with Eva life people. Still they say discount is applicable on OP
consultation as well.
Overall whatever Eva Life is telling is not at all correct & not fare at all.