Appearing on Star World, this is a comedy involving the real life stand up comedian in a reel life. He is happily (?) married to deborah, an aggressively funny woman, and has a family of three kids, daughter ally, twins - jeff and michael. The story line revolves around Ray Raymond ( the main character ). Around his job and its angst as a sports writer, around his marriage with a sweet but strong-minded woman, around his living across his parents ( Frank and Marie), his relationship with, and overshadowing ( by and without intent ) his brother (robert).
THe setting is usually familial, and the situation per serial mainly around familial relationships between wife and husband, wife and in-laws, siblings, parents and kids.
It is an ideal sitcom, where the characteristics of all the main actors have been established strongly, so that one does not have to wonder or use the brains to figure come, or why?.
Its ideal cos you can slide onto the couch and coast thru the serial with laughs a plenty, without using even a single gray cell.
Its ideal because you find a bit of your next door neighbour or your mom or your brother in the characters.
Ray though funny, is far from an ideal husband , when it comes to siding his wife against his parents, or helping her with the chores etc. And his not being an ideal husband is the source of all the fun. And the best moments are the sheepish expressions on his face and the tones he adopts when he is caught red-handed, whether peeking at sexy babes at his brothers apartment or siding wiht his mom.
Frank with his facial expressions, is best when he just stares. Like all those old generation people, supposedly he loves his wife, but will leave no bone unturned to take her trip.
Marie is the quintessential mom, who is totally into cooking and feeding, cooking and feeding and cooking and feeding one last time. And the correct amount of dissapproval of the daughter in law, without which most mom in laws dont think they are alive.
Robert, the elder brother, despite being the elder one, is always fighting battles which he inadvertently loses with his more lovable, brother. THe serial encompasses his various forays into independence, with the final return to his mom.
So the day, esp monday after the first day of the working week after a brilliant sunday, is ideal to just plonk yourself on the couch, let your facial muscles relax till you are gaping, and let your brain go to sleep.
Even if you do that, you will still find the serial funny. And that is why it comes recommended.
have fun!!