In my opinion, this one iss OK when cold, but if not, it seems to have a funny after taste. I dont think it is that great. on a 1-10 scale, I give it a 5 on taste. Pricewize, it was the cheapest one they had in the store. The one I like the best is the Canadian Spring Water, but I cannott remember the exact name of that one. I also like Perrier.
Evian is cheaper then the others, so that is cool. But for flavor, I would switch to a spring water from North America, preferably Canadian. Of course I am an American, and always have enjoyed (and remembered), when I was a young boy and drinking cold mountain water right out of the creek. So I tend to gravitate to waters of the same character (North American Spring Waters, etc.)
It seems to me, though that all the bottled waters are good when they are cold. Howeverr, at room temperature, you really can notice the different flavors each one has. I prefer water that has little or no actual taste. Evian at room temp is a little too sweet tasting to me. I actually put the bottle back in the fridge, because I only like Evian when it is cold.
Well, take care!