Hi this is selvan from Mumbai. I write my own experience in losing money in ECPS Pvt. Ltd.
they are cheaters so I request any one planning to consult them, please dont do that same mistake as me.
I was contacted by one of the female customer care representative from Exalt, stating that my resume has been shortlisted and I had an interview with IBM the next day in Bangalore. As I was looking for a good job I made my mind to attend it, but they asked me to pay Rs.5000/- as registration fees then they will send the required details for interview. First I hesitated but the female representative contacted me for more than a week. Since I was looking for a good job badly I was convinced and agreed to pay the amount and paid it.
she informed me that the interview will be scheduled for you in the coming weekend and so I was confident but when contacted her again regarding interview since one week passed by I was unable to contact her instead some other guy attended her no and said from now on he will be coordinating with me. I said ok, and asked about my interview and he replied the resume has been forwarded to the respective company. Weeks passed by and months passed by no interview was scheduled. In the mean time I had updated them that I want job in chennai and not from mumbai.
But after 4 months they scheduled me an interview from an unknown company from kurla, mumbai. So I call ed them and informed them that this is not of my desired location and also the company is not an established company to be sure not even in level 1 of MNCs. I have send them mail also regarding this and they replied wel will reschedule according to my wish. But instead for repeated calling and informing them they send me the same company after an month and I decided to attend the interview and the company was very small and when I requested about the package they informed Rs.6500 per month and actually I was earning 12000 per month . How could I attend an interview in such a company.
So I just called the Exalt but they did not respond me well saying the person is busy and and they used to transform the call to another person only to inform the person is busy. I was fed up and because they were sending interview to the same company two times again and I called them again with much difficulty and informed the situation and they told they will rectify it. To be honest their customer SERVICE is one of the worst in india, they talk as if they were the owner of the company and we are slaves, this all happens once we pay them the money.
After six months I was fed up and I thought to withdraw from them and so I asked them the refund, they informed me that I have to complete one year then only I will be eligible to get the refund, so I got no other way so I waited for another six months and just downloded the refund form and filled the details and send to the bangalore address. after one month they said that they have received the application and is under process. one month pased, two months passed I tried to call them but they wont attend the call, atlast third month the guy said again the form is under process, and this time I said angrily so he said will contact within a week, again mean time they asked me the entire email conversation we had with all the interview schedules in a word format, I just made the doc file and send them after a week they said that my file is processed and and I will get the refund soon. I was expecting full amount refund since they hand no interviews except that small company which I had informed them was not according to my profile.
Meanwhile one month went and I was tired of calling and there was no response from them, suddenly I got RS.422 credited in my account. I got no idea from where it came, I got no mails nothing, I just called them and they said that it is the REFUND amount after processing my form. They informed that they have scheduled inteview and they have charged for that, actually I got 3 interview scheduled from the same company and they charged me for the NONSENSE company. When I asked about that the CUSTOMER care representative yelled at me and hung up my call and after that many times I have tried but could not contact them.
- They are good sweet talkers so dont fall for them.
2. before paying the money only female representative will talk. they are doing their prey catching with female.
once you pay the money you will never get any kind of response from them.
before paying they will call you 10 times a day.
after paying you have to call them repeatedly causing lots of mobile recharge and bills because they transform the call internally in loop.
They talk rude if you ask them about refund.(again the call will go in loop).
Refund takes more than 5 months.
and the refund amount will be only the interest of your actual money.
they will block your call if you quarrel about refund that they paid to you.
WORST customer care representative.
Sorry I dont want to give them any star but 1 is the minimum.
I dont want to give them not even 1% of the star.
So I please recommend to every one that dont believe in EXALT Consultancy they are fraud, and also any other consultancy also belive in you and try harder on your own, I learned my lessons.
Dont belive them, dont loose your money.