A representative of ING Vysya called me sometime in April 2008 saying that a free holiday voucher was mine if I decided to come and speak to the insurance advisor. I decided to meet the person since I was keen on exploring an insurance. Since I liked the policy I bought the plan and I was given a free holiday voucher as promised. So far so good.The problems began when the final document came.
The insurance advisor showed me a bonus calculation based on 7.5% of sum assured, but there is very little mention of the bonus in the final document! Wonder if I will get it...
I was told that I am being offered an additional accident insurance totally free of cost since the offer was made by ING Vysya Corporate and not an agent (with those exact words). In the policy document I find that the adder is included at Rs 469 per year!I wrote back to ING Vysya immediately, but no response came for 2 weeks and after 2 weeks my lock in period starts and I cannot return the policy... nice trick :)Now comes the holiday package. I tried calling the number given on the voucher for a full week before anyone picked up the phone.
The gentleman told me to call a month before my planned holiday to book the room, which I did mid of July... only to be told that the rooms are not available (in the middle of August in Goa)I called again in September to be told that the resort (sun village resort Goa) is under maintenance.Again in October last week for a Dec 9-12 holiday to be told that the resort is full!!!I called the insurance advisor in Nov 1st week and he kept promising me help till end of November. Finally I lodged a written complaint with ING Vysya on 20th November. A pretty sounding lady called saying she will help and am still waiting.
Do not fall for this trap. If you want to buy insurance buy from LIC or any Government players, atleast they wont cheat (and I can live without any service...)