I am just a beginner to buy a policy, I had an agent contact me and we spoke about insurance for some time. He advised me that New fulfilling life plan is good. When I asked him about the benifits he told me that it was for my whole life(85 years, I am 35 now) . and he showed me a calculated sheet from the ING website.
Year- age premium- Death Benefit Cash back 6% 10%
1 - 36- 12, 000- 1, 43, 410 - 3, 585 - 20, 077 -
2 - 37- 12, 000 1, 43, 410 - 7, 171 - 40, 155 -
3 -38- 12, 000 1, 43, 410 - 10, 756 - 60, 232 -
4- 39- 12, 000 1, 43, 410 - 14, 341 - 80, 310 -
5- 40- 12, 000 1, 43, 410 28, 682 17, 926 - 1, 00, 387
and Now Just see the Vested Bonus part. it says if I get a 6% gain I will get RS 3, 585. but if I get a 10% gain I would get Rs20, 077 How is this possible, how did they calculate this.
You can check this on their website and click benefit illustration, still it is the same. any way my agent could not explain.
Just would like to know about this calculation . if anybody could help. Thanks.