I was surprised to learn that the International Netherlands Group (ING) who are the principals of ING Vysya Group in India are one among the only two Fortune 500 Insurance service companies. They are rated 12th among the global financial companies. If one goes by the asset base (with which our countrys hitherto flagship insurer LIC is usually rated best in a competition less monopoly till recently) ING is atleast 100 times more sound and has a wide global presence in more than 60 countries. enough of statistics.
ING Vysya has about 15 different products, to suit any person or any need.
Most attractive among them are (1) Conquering Life, which is a term policy (only risk cover) with additional Critical Illness Protection plan, (2) High Life - a unit linked life insurance (ULIP) product that can be operated much like your bank account after the first three years, (3)Freedom Plan, again a very flexible ULIP, (4) Fulfilling Life (a moneyback cum whole life protection plan), (5) Creating Life, a childrens future protection plan with double benefit payment option
The service is world class, their claims dept is ISO 9001 certified.
Log on to https://ingvysyalife, com for more details