On 17th may i booked hotel at singapore and kulalampur with expedia website. We made two different booking. I never thought such a big travel website can cheat its customers like this.
For the 1st booking the amount shown on expedia incl of all taxes and service fee was rs 40, 210/- where as when i received my credit card i was shocked to see that they have cahrged rs 42721/- from my card. Same with regard to second booking the am given by expedia is rs 11003/- and my card has been charged for rs 11690/-. I have proof for both the booking in which the amount to be charged by expedia is clearly mentioned as 40210/- and 11003/- incl of all taxes but my card been charged for rs 42721/- and 11690/-. I had made one more booking for which i have not received the statement. When i gave this complaint to expedia about excess charge they asked me to mail them the statement copy, i mail them the statement copy three days back but till now they have not reverted back. I had given detailed complaint on phone to expedia call centre but till now they have not called back nor reversed the amount.
In such case they should agree their mistake and refund immediately along with compensation for such mischief.
So friends kindly beware when you book your services with expedia. Maybe they can make you bankcrrupt by the excess charges on your credit card. For any further clarification or genuine proofs anybody can contact me on my e mail khemka_y2k@yahoo.com