Hello students, I am Asish. At present a number of website can be open by a click of mouse. Either it is entertainment site or informational or educational site. Extramarks is an educational website.
3 years ago a gentleman from extra-marks, came to me and suggested me to teach my child from their end. But I eager to know how i.e in what process they teach my child.
He then explain they will take classes visually. At once they give demo to my child.
But I cannot understand that science related subject can be possible to teach vissually. On the other hand rest subject such as geography, history, English, Bengali, Hindi, grammar will be learn as per usual method. They only give importance science subject.
For this course they will provide a tab to the students, where they will use it only educational purpose. Total educational purpose they demand huge amount. This is one type of business. Give and take policy. I think education can not fulfill through money. In our childhood we were not used this type of technology. In this electronic era this type of site expanding their branches quickly. Stop them immediately.