I was looking for good deals on airfare from Delhi to Manali after looking on other websites I came across ezeego1 with fare ranging form 6k - 12k range (2 airlines fly from delhi to manali) the Indian flight costing mere 6 k for 2 people was the best deal I immediately booked tickets form Hyderabad to Delhi with deccan airways for 7th December (got 2 tickets free which are useless) and tried booking the Indian flight ticket... to my vain the tickets were sold out according to ezeego1 site.
I directly went ahead with indian website and tried to book there to my amazement the tikets were available but were costing 12k + (same as deccan flight cost) casue of misleading rates form ezeego1 I end up having no tickets to manali now the tickets to delhi are just waste.... thanks again ezeego for providing misleading information... there own set of rules say it clearly that they are not responsible for the information provided on there own website bravooo and keep up the good work... and yeah no one respond to std calls form my mobile to there gsm number.