I have booked the Dubai extravaganza package for me and my friend for the 12th of Feb to 16th Feb from Bangalore through their toll free. Full amount rs 50850 was paid by card on 09.01.10. The time given for 4 days for the ticket and hotel vouchers and 7 days for the visa. After much haggling and my repeated calls the tickets came in 7 days and the hotel vouchers in 12 days , the visas are yet to come along with the travel insurance . Every alternate i call their people ( different people at every time) as they keep passing on the buck , i have sent e mails to complaints , cashed and coo as mentioned in their grievance redress-al to no avail. No feedback on the visa or travel ins yet.
Whenever I call their person Mr Mehul Thakkar he says he will call me back or come back but never does . Whenever I ask him whom I should talk to reg my case for escalation he says I can contact only him as nobody will answer. After paying the full amount upfront this is my condition.The total money is to be lost if these people dont give me the visa in a day or two but still no reply or contact forthcoming. I dont know what to do now as the amount is not small
What should I do ?
-Narayanan krishnan and k.n.shankarprasad