Ezeego1 is alluring people from their tempting offers.. but this is the worst catch.. they are doing juss harassment...
I had worst experience.. their customer care numbers are never reachable... we booked some tickets and our credit card is already been charged and actually no bookings with he airlines.. no PNR... so people I would say do not go about such offers..rather see if it working or not for three days we have tried calling their customer care numbers..but we are juss fools as we never cud get thorough with those numberss.. Idunt know how can they do it and publish it.
Tried getting their numbers on several website..found another in Mumbai on their website..againg ringing... well I got another number from an invoice copy online.. their I could find a receptionist all the tie.. but she alwasy told me..she cant help it..
well what else I should sharee.. I felt I have been harassed for continuously three days.. I would have rather paid a higher amount and got it done with some other travel site of a travel agent..