This is absolutely shocking. I cant post here due to technology constraints, Please visit my blog
And look yourself what a fraud is ezeego ...... absolute cheater.
Their Website is showing wrong info about the basic fares. If they do give such amount of discount in basic airfare then no soon they will be bankrupt !!!!!!
While I was browsing the rate chart, I found out this striking piece of info and I thought posting it in a blog will be the best thing for all you MS fans as well as people all over the world. Thats why I created my own blog for this purpose. I hope it will help you guyz.
Please comment about what you think of it. By the way I will never ever buy Airline ticket from this website no matter what offer they provide.
Just check it out.
I am writing junk below this sentence to exceed 150 character limit. I dont have to say anything more about this fraud