Would like to bring to ur notice an example of the **Most Pathetic & Miserable Customer-Service rendered by the website EZEEGO1.com to me :
(1) **20th June: I was booking a flight ticket via the internet banking option on ezeego1.com to fly on the 22nd June. After confirming the transaction, the page expired. However, the amount ( ) was deducted from my bank account.
(2) 21st June midnight: I called the call centre & asked them for the PNR no. of the ticket that I had booked the previous day. It was then revealed to me that the ticket was not generated at all & that I will have to get a fresh ticket issued. Also, the money debited from my account will be credited/refunded to me within a weeks time !!
After a lot of argument & deliberation, I agreed. I used another credit card this time for booking through the phone. It did not get accepted over the phone. So I tried booking online. The credit card was accepted there & a pop-up window saying Transaction Successful came up. However, NO ITENARY was sent to my email id while the amount for the ticket was charged to the credit card. This was happening @ 2.37 am early morning on 22nd June...
(3) Mr.Deepak Bhatia, the floor supervisor, who I had already spoken to for my previous issue as well, tried convincing me for a refund yet again !! My patience was being tested by the front-end team of Ezeego1. When I refused to agree this time & was hell-bent on speaking to the top-management of Ezeego1.com, Mr. Bhatia checked with the Airline company if they had received the amount that was charged to the credit card on the freshly booked ticket. It was then that he issued a ticket no to me & wanted to close the matter !!
*I have the following concerns:
*(1) Why was Ezeego1 trying to convince me for a refund even on the second time booking error ?
(2) Why did Mr.Bhatia not right away call the airlines & check with them if they had received the amount ?
(3) Why was I being harassed for a technical fault of EZEEGO1 ?
(4) Why was I being pained & troubled & harassed & not being offered a customer-friendly resolution upfront ?
(5) It was @ 3.15 am in the morning on 22nd June & there I was..Having already paid Rs.10, 000 approx for 2 tickets to Ezeego1 & still without a single ticket to fly that morning !!
Based on the above concerns, I felt harassed at that hour of the morning & hence wanted an APOLOGY from either of the top 3 people (Peter Kerkar, Global CEO, Cox & Kings, of Ezeego1, Urrshila Kerkar, India CEO, Cox & Kings, of Ezeego1 OR Neelu Singh, COO, Ezeego1.com) for the harassment by the front-end executives, but failed to do so as I was told that they were not available @ that moment. I was asked to wait till 22nd morning 12 o clock & was promised a call back from either of the Reporting Managers (Asaavari OR Rohit) of Mr.Bhatia. However I did not get any call from Ezeego1.When I called them @ 12.45, I was told that Asaavari was going through the case & will get back in 10 mins. She got back within time, but not to offer me a solution but to waste some more time of mine. She could not convince me to wait till 23rd June & hence put me on to a Mr. Reuben from supposedly, the backend team. He also failed to get me an apology from the top management & told me that I was free to file a petition in the consumer court if I wished to !! I have again been asked to wait till tom morning 10 am for a callback this time onlt from the top management (Peter/Urrshila), but I dont see this going anywhere...I CANT TRUST EZEEGO.COM anymore !!
Now I have nowhere to go but this open forum to request for help & support from people who agree that the way the whole thing was handled by Ezeego1 did nothing but harass & torture me. Kindly support me to deal with this kind of treatment / harassment that I had to go through. If someone who reads this post & is in a position to help me, Kindly extend support in terms of publicising this in the other media (print) & also in getting support from the Consumer Court.
~ A Harassed Consumer