Currently ezeego1 is offering up to 100% Cash Back on successful payment through your ICICI Bank Debit Card a 6 digit authorisation code would be generated. Cash Back would be given on the sum of the 6 digits of this authorisation code, based on following Grid.
Sum of digits Cash Back %
51 onwards 100%
1-5 75%
6-10 50%
45-50 40%
41-45 30%
11-20 20%
21-40 10%
For example:
If the authorisation code is 913182, the same would add up to 9+1+3+1+8+2=24 hence the Cash Back would be 10% as per the grid above.
"Validity:- Till January 9, 2009"
I wrote a simple C Code to understand the chances of winning the 100% cash back, I got following result:
Cash Back % Chances %
100 00.00313 %
75 00.06875 %
50 00.72813 %
40 00.29375 %
30 02.40313 %
20 17.68750 %
10 78.81562 %
(The above statistics are based on 32000 such calculations.)
Anyway, atleast they are offering 10% cashback. My review is not against "Ezeego1".