Similar to the fate of many other users I saw online, I booked a ticket via ezeego attracted by their 50% cash back offer. However they charged my card for the full amount and did not generate the confirmation of the ticket. On calling their customer care number I found no response after staying on hold for hours at stretch. I have mailed every possible email id on their site and called the customer care number hundreds of times.
The one time I actually got connected the executive rather than helping me started asking me for stupid credit card transaction numbers that the bank does not issue to users. With no result I have been pursuing this for some time now and now I am thinking of filing a petitiion against them in a consumer court. I am hell bent on getting the right thing done here.
I would sincerely advise all users to stay away from this website despite their lucrative offers. I dont know if the offers are for true. Some customers have complaints that they have not received any cashbacks of discounts. The other more reasonable websites have less lucrative efforts but are a better bet any day. I hope they read this and respond. Else I am gonna make it a point that they get the bad publicity they deserve and they also face serious consequences.