I had initially not got cash back on ticket booked through ezeego1.com
but after putting the review on mouthshut got a prompt follow-up call
from ezeego1 and resolved my problems
I would say that ezeego1 are now taking concrete steps to improve service, lets see. how they go from here.
offers of upto 50% cashback are very attractive I must say. Although
they are only offering it on Jet, Jetlite, Indian and Indigo. They
should extend it to Kingfisher as well.
If you book a ticket
through their website, ensure that you book each ticket separately and
not in the same cart, because this creates problems in getting cashback
automatically for all tickets.
Otherwise the automated system
credit cash back to your card within 7 days and I am satisfied with
their service on that account.
The seats allocated to them by airlines are few and ezeego1 will not show tickets available from Jet even if full fare tickets are available, it will only show check-fare tickets. So booking on short notice is difficult as they just dont list the flights which other sites like Yatra would do(with full fare) even upto 4-5 hrs before departure.