Just need to let the whole world know, that ezeego1.com has done something beyond customer satisfaction. Customer Delight!! I am really grateful that they have looked into my issue and and done more than they what they were obliged to do and more than what I expected. I know I abused the service badly before, but looking at what they’ve done, I can safely say that very few companies do this. They’ve refunded the extra money that I paid after a flight of mine got cancelled. Must commend Pallavi for the great work that she is doing. I’m sure i’ll be booking on ezeego1.com next.
When we register on the site, they take our numbers, but it is not passed on to the airline. They give their office number instead. And you mail them for cancellation, it never works. Ever called their customer service, rudeness personified. They still havent refunded the taxes for the ticket that Kingfisher cancelled for me. One more thing, get 2 tickets free for making a booking, I got a mail saying claim ur ticket, but no code.
This is such a scam.