I bought an IFB washing machine from EZone this diwali season. I was promised an MP3 player a free gift when I purchased the washing machine. On the day of purchase, they said the MP3 players are out of stock and will give it to me in 4 days maximum.
Its 20 days now and till date they have not given me the MP3 player. Every time I call, they say they will get the stock in couple of days and take my phone number. But dont even bother to call back.
This is the worst service I expected from a chain as big as EZone.
I suggest dont buy from EZone, rather buy from small shops who will give you better deals if you bargain. Atleast they will not cheat you.
I am planning to go to consumer court on this issue, if I dont get any thing from EZone in next one month. I wonder why people like them are in business.
I will never shop in EZone again.