I was surprised when I could not find any reviews on Fa Yian. Delhis Rich and Famous frequent this place for good, authentic Oriental Cuisine. Nice interiors with a wooden feel, Fa Yian is a small restaurant in the middle circle (often taken as a Bylane) in Connaught Place.
Cosy Ambience, I must say especially when its a chilly winter evening and you wish to cuddle up with your darling and have some nice food served by a cheerful staff. Theres a windchime hanging on the door which makes your entry really special. Dont exclaim when all eyes gaze at the door as soon as you enter. The last time, I was there , I had to rush back and catch The Matrix on Star Movies within 20 minutes. I requested the manager there to get my order as fast as possible. They were very prompt.
Flavor : Food is very good. If you need to distinguish authentic chinese cuisine, always check for the GLAZE. Authentic oriental cuisine no matter how it is cooked, will never show any oil or grease. Food will appear to be light. The actual glaze of the food is by the sauces added. Vinegar, Honey and Ajinomoto (MSG) will give it a shine.
Favorite at Fa Yian : Go for Honey Chicken and Fa Yian Special Chicken Rice. These two can alone suffice a bachelor. If you are in a group of 3 or 4, you can top these with golden fried prawns etc. Portions are huge. Almost 1.5 times larger than any average restaurant.
Minuses : The place is cramped. Not much leg space. Neither any space for moving around. They have around 8-10 tables with a total seating of about 50-60 people. If you are there on weekends, be sure to make reservations.