It was a pleasant weekend and we were roaming about Aundh doing our shopping. Since we were too tired and wanted to avoid cooking at home we decided to have a take-away. We came across Faasos, opposite the Medipoint hospital and ordered Paneer Tikka (60/-) and Chicken Tikka (120/-). We decided to use the morning cooked rice and dal for the main course. We had a shocker, the paneer tikka had 4 pieces ( It was not mentioned on the menu) and the chicken tikka had an equally low service size. And the taste was BLAND to say the least. We learnt from our mistake and to our dismay my relative told me the next day that they too had ordered butter chicken from them and it was "BITTER" chicken. The gravy was apparently horrible and bitter to taste.
I know Pune is a costly place, especially for food but If I had gone to any other joint I would have EASILY got a better deal (read serving size/price) than Faasos.
Hence my suggestion to all is AVOID Faasos. Else try it at your own risk.