You can check in Elektra chimney which is indigeneously manufactured (patented as Elektra) in Pune, India if you are in and around Pune or contact Mr.Milind of Symphony elites no.02025230978. You can ask for brochure too.
it is available in ss and toughened glass with 60/75/90 cm sizes according to your burner size 2/3/4 burners and also different suction capacity (900/1000mm3 etc.) it can be re-circulation or ducting type depending on the size /configuration of platform of your kitchen.
In re-circulation type change of filter is required once in a year only. This filter is used not for oil collection purposes like other brand where frequent replacement/cleaning is required. in case of ducting type it is filters and fabulous.
But what handicaps other than pune people is the distribution networks. GLX-75 model : Curvey and toughened glass available either in re-circulation or ducting mode.